ADHD services offered in Fayetteville, NY

ADHD services offered in Fayetteville, NY

Having attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) can make everything from school and work to relationships challenging. At Logos Mental Health and Wellness, in Fayetteville, New York, experienced therapist Derek Baker, LMHC, CASAC, MA, helps children 6 and over and adults with ADHD learn to manage their difficulties and lead a more rewarding life. Call the office to arrange your ADHD evaluation, or use the online booking feature to schedule an in-person or telehealth consultation today.


What is ADHD?

People with ADHD have differences in their brains that affect their emotional regulation and lead to the condition’s primary challenges — hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention.

ADHD typically starts causing problems for children when they reach school age, and symptoms must be present by age 12 for an ADHD diagnosis. Most children with ADHD continue to struggle with its effects as they become adults, although the nature of their problems can change over time.

Some children with ADHD symptoms don’t get a proper diagnosis during childhood. If you’re an adult with ADHD symptoms, Derek can assess you and provide effective treatment.

What symptoms does ADHD cause?

ADHD symptoms fit into three categories:

Inattentive symptoms include:

  • Being easily distracted
  • Forgetfulness
  • Poor organizational skills
  • Persistent daydreaming
  • Struggling to follow directions
  • No patience with long or focused tasks
  • Frequently losing belongings

Inattentive behavior doesn’t tend to get children into trouble like other ADHD symptoms, but it can still significantly impact their ability to cope with life.

Hyperactive ADHD causes problems like fidgeting, restlessness, and impatience. You want to be doing something rather than sitting in class or at a desk and find it very difficult to control your need for constant activity. You might talk a lot, interrupt people, be unable to wait your turn, and fail to recognize others’ feelings.

Impulsiveness is acting without thinking. For example, instead of considering the injuries you might suffer jumping off a bridge into a river, you simply leap off as soon as you have the idea.

You may have symptoms of one type of ADHD or any combination.

What treatments can help with ADHD?

Behavioral therapy and medication are the primary ADHD treatments.

Some people find that medications (particularly stimulants) help them manage their ADHD symptoms better. However, you might not need or wish to use drugs or find the side effects intolerable. If you take medications for ADHD, attending therapy sessions is the best way to achieve the optimum treatment benefits.

Derek offers cognitive-behavioral therapies that target the problems ADHD can cause. He teaches you how to recognize problematic thinking and behaviors, so you can consider your reactions and alter them. You also learn new skills so you can work around issues like forgetfulness.

Call Logos Mental Health and Wellness, to arrange an ADHD evaluation, or use the online booking feature to request an appointment today.